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About the company

Risk Analysis Laboratory Co., Ltd.
Kanagawa, Japan.
Wakae Maruyama@¨STAFF

@ A large quantity of chemicals in many kinds are produced and consumed in industry and market in all over the world. These chemicals are used to keep our daily life convenient and comfortable, but it is also true that some of these chemicals are released into the environment without careful consideration. They may accumulate in the environment until their amount reach to harmful level for humans and wildlife.

When we recall the case of dioxin and endcrine disrupters, we notice that a new chemical does not always come up with plenty of biological information at the beginning. The toxic information is usually too late to impose legal control, such as the case in Minamata's mercury poisoning.

Another difficult case is asbestos, since this material is still needed for its incombustibility, but it also cause severe and irreversible lung disease to its handlers after the long-term exposure.

@ It is quite difficult to solve these problems in the environment, since a removal of a substance is not usually good solution. All of the substances we use in our society are linked and connected to each other, and if one core substance is removed carelessly, it may cause inconvenience to other places. We will probably continue to produce more new chemicals for the maintainance of the society, and just stopping it may not be a good solution. Then, how can we control these chemicals appropriately?

As a scientist, I think it is important to clarify the feature of health risk of an environmental chemical, as the first step of risk assessment and management. I also think that a proper scientific method should be used for risk analysis, without introducing arbitrary manipulation. However, not many institutes and companies can do such scientific analysis at present, so, I started this necessary work in this company, Risk Analysis Laboratory.

@Risk Analysis Laboratory is the first Japanese company to assess risks based on biology, chemistry and mathematical modeling. This company will analyze health risk quantitatively, and research other uncertainties related to human health.


Risk Analysis Laboratory Co., Ltd.@@
Wakae Maruyama, Ph.D.@@@

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