マスコット : りす
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Our mascot : Squirrel

 図: タイワンリス


Callosiurus erythraeus thaiwanensis (Taiwanese squirrel)

 この写真は「町田リス園」で飼われているリスを撮影したものです。 町田リス園ではヒマワリの種を買ってリスに餌付けでき,空腹なタイワンリスは餌を目がけて飛びついてきます。 元気のよい,かわいい動物です。

This picture was taken in "Machida squirrel zoo" (in Japan). In this park, we can feed the squirrels buying sunflower nuts. The squirrels are hungry in the morning and jump up to the nuts on our hand. They are so active and pretty animals.

sciurus (squirrel) (りす)

According to "Historia Naturalis" by Gaius Plinius, squirrels (sciurus in Latin) foresee a tempest comming and where the wind will blow, and they make the entrance of their nest on the other side against the wind.

We think this squirrels' attitude to RISK wise and careful, so, we have choosen this animal as our mascot. Our company will also make every effort to percieve risk to humans and make preparations.

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